Enjoy predictable bills with our free Budget Plan
The Budget Plan program allows you to pay about the same amount each month. Adjustments are based on your usage, weather conditions, rates for service and delivery, and energy costs to reduce the chance of large swings in your monthly payment.

Your bill without Budget Plan
The amount you pay will change dramatically throughout the year as seasons change.

Your bill with Budget Plan
Your bill will be about the same each month.
How does the Budget Plan work?
The budget year runs from May to April. You can still enroll after May, but your monthly payment will be higher as there are fewer months remaining in the Budget Plan program. The plan is designed to spread your total estimated annual bill over 12 months with an actual settle-up in April.
Your budget amount is calculated based on:
- Past 12 months of usage at your home or facility
- Normal seasonal weather conditions
- Current rates for service and delivery
- Current and projected cost of energy
- All Budget Plan accounts are reviewed in December and reconciled in April. The new budget amount is provided on the May bill statement
Keeping you on track
To make sure there are no surprises, we’ll review your account in December and, if needed, we’ll let you know if we adjusted your budget amount up or down for the remainder of the Budget year so you can avoid a large under or overpayment. April is the settle-up month for the Budget Plan.
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Would you like to know exactly how much your utility bill will be each month?
The Budget Payment Plan is designed to take the guesswork out of budgeting for your utility bill.
It’s easy and helps you manage your monthly expenses.
The Budget Payment Plan evens out seasonal highs and lows by dividing your estimated yearly costs over 12 months.
Your monthly payment is calculated based on your address’ historical energy use, forecasted weather and the expected cost of energy.
We will periodically reevaluate your payment amount to determine if it is in line with your actual usage. If an adjustment is needed it will be made automatically and will appear on your next bill statement.
For example: Unusual weather temperatures may cause your usage to be higher or lower than calculated.
Your bill will show the difference between what you paid and the actual cost of the energy usage you used throughout the year.
Although your usage fluctuates throughout the year, your budget payment amount will stay about the same.
For more information or to sign up, check out our website or give us a call.